The EaP Civil Society Fellowship Relay Event will take place on July 2-3, 2018, in Brussels
The Relay event is part of the EU-funded project Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility – Regional Actions. The project’s main objective is to strengthen and promote civil society’s role in reforms and democratic changes taking place in the Eastern Partnership countries. The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowship Programme, part of the project, is a selective leadership programme for up to 20 young leaders from the countries. The Fellowship Programme mixes more traditional capacity building activities, such as training, with more practical experience allowing fellows to develop and bring to fruition their own ideas about how to improve their communities.
20 young civil society activists have been awarded fellowships in October 2017 and will complete their actions by July 2018. A new generation of fellows was selected in May 2018. The Relay event will bring together the two generations of fellows for two days in Brussels and will seek to:
- inspire fellows and inform them of new opportunities;
- create a space for collaboration between fellows and an opportunity for knowledge sharing;
- show/demonstrate that small scale actions can have impact on communities and constituencies.