“The biggest challenge was to elaborate and actually implement a training project that would be really needed and useful for CSOs in my country” – Steliana Burlacu, Foundation for Education and Development (Moldova)
Steliana Burlacu is sharing her experience on how the Training of Trainers (ToT) Programme was a new step on her professional path, opening new doors and opportunities by empowering her as a civil society leader and a trainer. The idea of her training project called “Capacity building for NGOs in organizational development, policy dialogue and influence” was inspired by the content of the ToT Programme, as the training project basically comprised the information of the 4 ToT training modules in a very concise manner. The overall aim of Steliana’s training project in Moldova was to strengthen and empower NGOs for achieving their objectives and taking an active part in the policy and reforms process in Moldova by creating and implementing strategic plans for their NGOs.
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