The EaP Civil Society Fellowship Programme has been an EU flagship initiative and one of the key components of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility. Within 2017-2020, 80 Fellows joined the Fellowship alumni network and got an opportunity not only to implement their own projects with EU support but also had the chance to participate in events and trainings relevant for their future personal and professional development. They had the chance to establish new contacts and partnerships and enjoy formal and informal gatherings bringing together the alumni network.
With our Civil Society Fellows’ Campaign campaign, we wanted to promote the achievements of the selected Fellows via local media, support networking among the Fellowship alumni and inform other stakeholders about the Fellows’ activities and impact. Over 30 Fellows participated in our Campaign and had a chance to present their work through the national and local media in their countries. Please have a look at the profiles of our Fellows at our dedicated landing page and you will be able to find the media mentions and appearances in each of the respective fellow profiles.