On the 26 March 2020 (12:00 Brussels time) we will have our next webinar “International Funding Opportunities for CSOs” for civil society organisations from the Eastern Partnership Countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine).
During this webinar we will focus on funding opportunities on regional and national level for civil society organisations working in Eastern Partnership countries. The presentation will cover current funding of the National Endowment for Democracy, the European Endowment for Democracy, the Dutch Fund for Regional Partnerships (NFRP)/Matra , the US Government and Open Society Foundations throughout the region, as well as specific country funding opportunities from bilateral donors and local foundations.
The Webinar will last between 60 and 90 minutes. If you are interested to attend please send an email to the following Helpdesk address to confirm your interest before 25 March 2020 at noon Brussels time: [email protected]. Please note that the number of participants is limited.
This webinar is one of a series of webinars for civil society organisations organised within our Helpdesk for EU Grantees. You can check here the video from our previous webinars and useful Tips and Tricks on 1) Better Reporting for the EU; 2) Communication for Impact: Focused; 3) Civil Participation in Decision-Making Process; 4) Communication for Impact: Social media; and 5) Advocacy for Impact.