On 23-24 June 2016, a workshop on subgranting/regranting took place in Kyiv. 26 seminar participants presented 23 out of 28 projects funded by the EU that contained the sub-granting components. The total amount of money that is transferred to third parties through these projects exceeds EUR 4.5 million. The discussion was very lively as the seminar participants shared their experience, challenges, and successes. What is important – it was the first of a kind meeting on sub-granting that enhanced the understanding of sub-granting, its policies, and procedures.
Over the past three years, a number of the grant projects in Ukraine supported by the European Delegation included sub-granting/re-granting components. Sub-granting or financial support to third parties was one focus of the recent EU-calls for proposals in Ukraine; currently, there are numerous EU-grant projects being implemented that have a sub-granting component. Sub-granting is quite a new experience for most of the EU-grantees; it was, therefore, important to organize experiences exchanges and discuss good practices as well as challenges and lessons learnt. It is also important to ensure a proper coordination among different sub-granting initiatives and provide structured opportunities for networking among them.
The workshop was being held by Isar Ednannia with the support of the “Civil Society. Dialogue for Progress” Project.
The event agenda can be found here