The new phase of the EU’s Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility is formally kicking off on the 14th of December from 10:00 Brussels time.
We are inviting all civil society representatives, organisations and activists, from the six Eastern partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) to join us and learn about the many opportunities the European Union will launch in the coming months.
Only one day before the EU and Eastern partner country leaders will meet for the next Eastern Partnership Summit in Brussels, Belgium, David Cullen, Head of Unit at DG NEAR, European Commission, will join us to highlight the importance of civil society in the context of the post-2020 priorities for the Eastern Partnership.
We will discuss the recently launched 2021 EaP Civil Society Fellowship call, the upcoming ideathons and hackathons for civil society, as well as the capacity development opportunities offered by the European Union.
The event will be held online in Zoom in English with the interpretation in the Russian language. To join our Launch Event please register here in advance.