The policy paper “The Quality of Higher Education: National Endeavours in the European Context” was produced within the project “EaP Countries Cooperation to Ensure the Quality Assurance in Higher Education”, supported by the EaP CSF Re-granting scheme. The goal of the project was to to create a regional civil society platform for the monitoring of education policy reform, with a focus on the assessment of quality assurance mechanisms.
The paper was prepared by European Institute for Political Studies of Moldova in partnership with CEDOS and the Belarusian Independent Bologna Committee. The main objective of the research is to identify the challenges in ensuring the quality of education in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine, in order to develop concrete solutions to tackle these issues. Some of these challenges include:
- restrictions on fundamental freedoms such as freedom of expression and freedom of association;
- lack of funds allocated to the modernisation of the infrastructure and teaching materials;
- outdated accreditation procedure.
The authors explore practices and legal framework of quality assurance in higher education in these countries and conduct surveys and interviews with employees of national quality assurance agencies bodies, teaching staff and students.