Call for Applications: Communication Labs for Belarusian Civil Society Organisations Operating outside of Belarus
Helpdesk for EU Grantees: Learn more
Innovative Travel Bot for Exploring Rural Moldova is Launched with the European Union Support!
Strengthening Project Proposal Development: Webinar Recordings Available Online!
Report on Civil Society Coalitions in Armenia: Available for Downloading!
#StandWithUkraine: Inspiring Stories of Solidarity
MOLDOVA: Call for Proposals for Civil Society Organisations in the Republic of Moldova in 2025
The EU Delegation to the Republic of Moldova launched the Call for Proposals for Civil Society Organizations in the Republic of Moldova in 2025, ref. EuropeAid/183610/DD/ACT/MD. The global objective of this call for proposals is to strengthen the participation and contribution of Moldovan civil society to the democratic, economic and social development of the country in the
Call for Applications: Communication Labs for Belarusian Civil Society Organisations Operating outside of Belarus
Crafting Change Together: Your Campaign, Our Support! Read this announcement in Belarusian/ Прачытаць гэтую аб’яўку на беларускай мове The EU-funded ‘Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility’ project invites Belarusian civil society organisations (CSOs) operating outside of Belarus{1}, to participate in our 2025 Communication Labs (Comm.Labs) – a dedicated capacity building programme designed to support the development and implementation
EU-funded “Procurement Needle” Platform Boosts Transparency of Moldova's Public Procurement System
Citizens, journalists, and civil society organisations in the Republic of Moldova can now easily investigate public procurements carried out by over 900 local authorities using a newly launched Procurement Needle platform developed by Constantin Copaceanu, a Fellow of the European Union’s Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowship programme. The platform aggregates data from the primary sources
ARMENIA: New Call for Proposals for Civil Society: “Empower Civil Society as Drivers of Change”
The European Union has just launched a new call for proposals for civil society: “Empower civil society as drivers of change” in Armenia. The global objective of this call for proposals is to enhance the capacity and resilience of Armenian civil society organisations as trusted, independent and effective actors. The priorities of this call for
Абвяшчаецца прыём заявак на ўдзел у праграме "Камунікацыйныя лабараторыі" для беларускіх АГС, якія дзейнічаюць за межамі Беларусі
Ствараем змены разам: ваша кампанія — наша падтрымка Прачытаць аб’яўку па-ангельску Фінансаваны ЕС праект “Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility” запрашае беларускія арганізацыі грамадзянскай супольнасці (АГС), якія дзейнічаюць за межамі Беларусі{1}, прыняць удзел у праграме Communication Labs (Comm.Labs) 2025 — спецыялізаванай праграме па ўзмацненні патэнцыялу, распрацаванай для падтрымкі ў стварэнні і рэалізацыі эфектыўных камунікацыйных кампаній. Праграма
'Inclusive Resilience: Gender Lens to Climate Change' Webinar / 26 February 2025
The transformation of a natural hazard into a disaster is highly dependent on the state of preparedness of society to implement preventative measures, reduce risks, and build capacity for effective responses. Civil society, public and private sector institutions can all contribute to better preparedness. This is becoming increasingly urgent with the frequency of natural hazards
I know I have to apply my skills before I am satisfied with my knowledge. The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowship was a chance for me to believe in my visions and be the changemaker. I gained the most valuable qualities as a student: leadership and emotional intelligence that will make me competitive in my future initiatives
- Vahan Martirosyan, ARMENIA / EaP Civil Society Fellow 2019
EaP Civil Society Fellow 2017
A year ago, I could hardly fathom the successes that I have accomplished today. One year ago, I joined the EaP Civil Society Fellowship initiative... It was a long journey, but along the way, I have continuously met people who helped me develop my skills, push me to always do a better job, and to never step back. Thші Fellowship was a unique opportunity for me and helped me to be confident and experience a great amount of personal growth as well as to help develop my community and gain valuable experience for my future.
- Taguhi Kharatyan, ARMENIA / EaP Civil Society Fellow 2017
It was a unique experience with exciting challenges. We had to create the MVP in 3 days, having nothing but an idea. We’ve developed our ToR by day 2 and… started working non-stop! We had the job done 10 minutes before the final presentation. Hope we'll launch it soon. {...} Many thanks to the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility’s team for such a large event! It was a wonderful, unforgettable, and warm atmosphere. Let there be more hackathons, understanding and cooperation in this world.
- Karina Litvinova, UKRAINE / Participant of EaP Civil Society Hackathon 2018
After all, we’ve come back to Ukraine with flags flying! Our project Library for you has become one of the four winners at the 2018 EaP Civil Society Hackathon. But this is not only our team’s victory, but of all Ukrainian libraries and their users! Ahead is an incredible piece of work that will require a large and strong team, lots of energy, support and inspiration... I’d like to say thank you to all participants, mentors and organizers! I felt your support all these three days!
- Oksana Boiarinova, UKRAINE / Participant of EaP Civil Society Hackathon 2018
Such events are very interesting, because it’s here where we find not only like-minded people, but also good mentors – those people who have already gone through all of those things and have a lot of experience to share. With such strong mentors, we have rethought and reworked a lot in our Help Invest project and can now make both technical and ideological changes in our project.
- Andriy Gevyuk, UKRAINE / Participant of EaP Civil Society Hackathon 2018
The hackathon has really become a major breakthrough for me in the development of a new project – I had an idea, but lacked knowledge to develop an ICT tool. Now, thanks to the hackathon, I understand what to do and, thanks to our mentors, I’ve expanded the boundaries of my current knowledge.
- Nadejda Tsaranok, BELARUS / Participant of EaP Civil Society Hackathon 2018
EaP Civil Society Forum, National Platform Facilitator for Belarus
Another unique feature of this hackathon is that it brings together teams from the EaP countries and gives you a good opportunity to see what solutions work in other countries. Here, it’s technically possible to take someone's idea and implement it in your country – an added value of such networking of people from the EaP countries.
- Mikalai Kvantaliani, BELARUS / Participant of EaP Civil Society Hackathon 2018