Events archive ( 2017 )

Armenia: 1st Call for Applications for Armenian CSOs from “Bridge for CSO” – Innovation for Social Impact Grants
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Innovation for Social Impact grants Objective: to support innovative projects that will serve the public good, be responsive to the needs of people and communities, address the need of vulnerable population, reduce inequalities and promote social inclusion and tolerance, encourage volunteerism and community mobilization, ensure sustainable models and community participation through empowering youth,

Armenia: 2nd Call for Applications for Armenian CSOs from “Bridge for CSO” – Scale-up Social Entrepreneurship Grant
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Scale-up Social Entrepreneurship Grant Scale-up Social Entrepreneurship Grant call (hereinafter referred to as Scale-up SEG) is an integral part of the Bridge for CSOs Programme implemented by Armenian General Benevolent Union in partnership with Eurasia Partnership Foundation and funded by the European Union. The global objective of the action is to strengthen

Conference: Digital Youth Work
Vienna, Austria The Conference will bring togehter 100 – 120 youth workers and youth work stakeholders from Europe and create a space to examine the concept of digital youth work from diverse angles. The conference will inform about current developments on EU-Level, present concrete practice, enable participants to get a hands-on-experience on tools that are

CitizenLab 2017 Hackathon to Support Innovative Civic Ideas through Digital Solutions: Call for Applications for Civil Society Activists, Designers and IT Specialists
We are excited to invite civil society activists, designers and IT specialists from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova or Ukraine to apply for the first CitizenLab Hackathon which will be held in Ukraine by the Prague Civil Society Centre with the financial support of the European Union through its Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility! Offer

LIVE NOW: The 2017 Eastern Partnership Civil Society Conference
“Tangible Results for People: Envisioning the Eastern Partnership in 2020 and Beyond” started its work in Tallinn, Estonia. For the first time this year, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Conference—a biennial event conducted as a side event to the Eastern Partnership Summit—and the 9th Annual Assembly of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum are held

Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
This year Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum will have #eapcivilsociety event “Tangible Results for People: Envisioning the #EasternPartnership in 2020 and Beyond” in Tallinn. 300 participants will reflect on the fundamental role of #eapcivilsociety in the #EaP policy and identify the avenues for cooperation between civil society and #governments in order to deliver effective #results for the citizens. Check the draft agenda here: and stay tuned for more

Social Dialogue, Policy and Inclusion Discussed at Working Group 5 in Brussels
The 9th Annual Assembly of the Forum and the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Conference will take place on 25-27 October in Tallinn, Estonia. The Annual Assembly of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum is the key event conducted on an annual basis since 2009. The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the EaP CSF. Every year the event brings together over 200 civil

e-Partnership conference: Trust in e-governance in Eastern Partnership countries
WATCH e-Partnership conference: Trust in e-governance in Eastern Partnership countries happening NOW in Tallinn and focusing on how the EaP countries use information and communications technology to promote the transparency of government processes and ensure the safety and security of the cyberspace. Today experts from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and the EU meet

The Civic Programme Fest 2017 for civil society organisations in Chisinau, MOLDOVA
The Civic Programme Fest 2017 for civil society organisations in Chisinau, MOLDOVA: meet like-minded people, establish new contacts, exchange your experience and ideas. Representatives of CSOs are invited to present their projects, success stories, civic actions, flash mobs etc. at the Civic Fest 2017. Please register before 18th of September. Programul Civic Fest 2017 este

Muted Voices of Dissent: End of Media Pluralism in Crimea Muted Voices of Dissent: End of Media Pluralism in Crimea
Where: Rue de l’Industrie, 10 – Paulo Freire Room (Ground floor) When: Wednesday, 27th September 2017, 16:00 – 17:30 Registration: We kindly ask you to confirm your attendance by Tuesday, September 26 at 12.00 by filling in this form The working language will be Russian, with consecutive interpretation to English More than three years after the annexation of Crimea, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF)

Social Dialogue, Policy and Inclusion Discussed at Working Group 5 in Brussels
On 10 July, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Working Group 5 “Social & Labour Policies and Social Dialogue” held its annual meeting in Brussels, allowing for meetings between the 18 representatives of the EaP CSF WG 5 and stakeholders from DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion (DG EMPL) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The meeting was opened by WG5 coordinators Goda Neverauskaite and Siarhei Antusevich and continued

EaP CSF Addresses Foreign Ministers and EU Officials at the 9th EaP Informal Partnership Dialogue in Chisinau
On 10 July 2017, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum participated in the 9th Eastern Partnership Informal Partnership Dialogue in Chisinau, represented by Ina Coseru, member of the EaP CSF Steering Committee and Coordinator of the Working Group 3 on Environment, Climate Change and Energy Security. The event gathered Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Ministers in charge of energy

Steering Committee Devises Guiding Principles for the EaP CSF 2018-2020 Strategy During its Meeting in Vilnius
On 7-8 July, the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum gathered in Vilnius to discuss the 2017 Annual Assembly and Civil Society Conference, as well as some important internal structural reforms. The majority of the meeting was dedicated to brainstorming sessions on the strategy of the EaP CSF for 2018-2020 and possible scenarios of internal reform. In light of the

Working Group 4 Meets in Warsaw, Members Participate in the 3rd EaP Youth Forum
The EaP CSF WG4 gathered around 30 members from the EaP countries and the EU who worked intensively over the period of two days, addressing the major challenges and policies for the EaP CSF and its members. Alexandra Kalatozishvili, EaP CSF WG4 Coordinator, opened the meeting by highlighting the priorities of the Working Group and the EaP CSF

EaP CSF Participates in the Eastern Partnership Ministerial Meeting
On 19 June 2017, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum participated in the Eastern Partnership Ministerial Meeting in Luxembourg, represented by Hennadiy Maksak, Co-Chair of the EaP CSF Steering Committee. The meeting, chaired by the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, gathered all EU member states’ Ministers of Foreign Affairs,

SMEs Support, Digital Reform and Civil Society Role in Economic Development at the Core of WG2 Meeting in Chisinau
On 6-8 June, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Working Group 2 “Economic Integration & Convergence with EU Policies” held its annual meeting in Chisinau, allowing for meetings between the 17 representatives of the EaP CSF WG 2 and several external local stakeholders. The meeting was opened by WG2 coordinators Dovile Sukyte and Yurii Vdovenko and continued with coordinators of the National Platforms, all summarizing developments and challenges in

Environmental Governance, Climate Change, Energy Issues in Focus at Working Group 3 Meeting
The EaP CSF Working Group 3 “Environment, climate change and energy security” held its annual meeting on 29-30 May in Brussels, bringing together 25 representatives of the working group and the EU institutions. During the first day, the participants exchanged views on the Action Plan on Luxembourg Declaration as well as on the EU’s Joint Staff Working Document 20 deliverables for 2020 and the EaP CSF Policy Brief that

Working Group 1 Met in Brussels to Define Priorities and Discuss Risks and Opportunities for the Civil Society
More photos On 11-12 May, the meeting of the EaP CSF Working Group 1 “Democracy, Human Rights, Good Governance and Stability” brought together almost 60 working group members from the Eastern Partnership and the EU countries, as well as officials from the EU institutions (the European External Action Services, European Commission and European Parliament). The day before WG1

How Security Assistance Can Contribute to Defence Reform in Ukraine: Civil Society Perspective
The Independent Defence Anti-Corruption Committee (NAKO), Transparency International Defence & Security Programme, and Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum organise the discussion How Security Assistance Can Contribute to Defence Reform in Ukraine: Civil Society Perspective, presenting the NAKO strategy 2017-2018 and its first report on corruption risks in security assistance. When: Thursday, 11 May 2017, 17.30 -19.00 Where: Thon

Working Group 1 “Democracy, Human Rights, Good Governance and Stability” Meeting
On 11-12 May the meeting of the Working Group 1 “Democracy, Human Rights, Good Governance and Stability” will gather over 60 working group members from the Eastern Partnership and EU countries, as well as officials from EU institutions (the European External Action Service, the Permanent Representations, the European Commission and European Parliament). The focus of the first day of

Risks and opportunities for the civil society in the EaP countries
When: Thursday, 11 May 2017, 9:00-11:00 Where: Thon Hotel EU, Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Brussels Registration: We kindly request you to confirm your attendance by 9 May sending a short email to [email protected] The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) organizes a debate in the framework of the EaP CSF Working Group 1 (Democracy, Human Rights, Good Governance and Stability)

Landmark elections in Armenia: turning the tide or preserving the status quo?
Where: European Endowment for Democracy, Avenue des Gaulois 29, 1040 Brussels (map) When: Wednesday, 10 May 2017, 17:00 – 18:30 Registration: We kindly request you to confirm your attendance by Tuesday 9 May by filling in this form. “If there is any message contained in the elections, it is that Armenians expect deep and comprehensive reforms and we as the European Union will support that”

The Steering Committee Gathered in Tallinn and Helsinki for the Second Meeting of the Year
The EaP CSF Steering Committee held meetings in Tallinn and Helsinki on 24-25 April to discuss the 9th EaP CSF Annual Assembly and the EaP Civil Society Conference with its Estonian partners from the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership. In Tallinn, the SC met with representatives of Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Paul Teesalu and Ambassador Reinhold, as well as with several Estonian NGOs and also worked on finalizing the list

Steering Committee discussed main priorities for 2017 and future strategy in Brussels
The members of the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum met in Brussels on 1-2 February for their first meeting of this year to define the main priorities of the Forum and to adopt the annual plan for 2017. The meeting began addressing two major issues concerning the Eastern Partnership. The SC

Eastern Partnership: Battleground of Russia’s Disinformation War
On 31 January the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum organized a discussion at the European Parliament “Eastern Partnership: Battleground of Russia’s Disinformation War” hosted by MEP Jaromír Štětina (EPP, CZ). The Eastern Partnership media landscape and capacity of the EU Eastern neighbours to monitor and confront propaganda were in the focus of the debate. The enduring monopolization of the media market