Ukraine (All)
Steering Committee Demands Immediate Release of the Crimean Mejlis’ Deputy Head
Ilmi Umerov, the deputy head of the Mejlis, the main representative organ of the Indigenous Crimean Tatar people was detained on 12 May 2016 following the interview he gave the ATR TV channel on 19 March 2016 in Kyiv. He is charged with “separatism” under Article 280.1 – a new article introduced a few months after
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From Trainee To Trainer – ToT Success Story (Ukraine)
“The ToT Programme inspired me to continue with my NGO’s project “The School of Young Leaders” since I received an incredible boost of energy, knowledge, and great ideas”, – Oksana Bondar, Head of NGO “Vinnytsia Regional Centre for Information “Kreativ” (Ukraine) NGO “Vinnytsia Regional Centre for Information “Kreativ” (Ukraine) encourages the development of the civil society
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New Paper Explores Policy Options for Improving Democracy Support in the EaP Region
The research paper “More Effective EU Democracy Support in the Eastern Partnership Ideas for the Slovak EU presidency and beyond” co-authored by Věra Řiháčková (EUROPEUM and Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum), Miriam Lexmann (EU Office of the International Republican Institute), Márton Ugrósdy (Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade) and Richard Youngs (Carnegie Europe) was recently published in the framework of the project: ‘Agenda
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EaP CSF Denounces Murder of Prominent Belarusian Journalist Pavel Sharamet
The Steering Committee condemns the murder of the journalist Pavel Sharamet in Kyiv and extends condolences to his family, friends and colleagues. The EaP CSF also expresses deepest sympathies to the civil society and independent media community of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia who have suffered an irreparable loss. The SC calls on the Ukrainian authorities to
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EaP CSF Has Launched #Visafree Campaign for Georgia and Ukraine
On 4 June the EaP CSF Steering Committee held a demonstration in Brussels in support of the visa liberalisation for Georgia and Ukraine. Lasha Tugushi, Country Facilitator of the Georgian National Platform, commented: “We gathered here to express our deep concern over the decision on the visa-free regime for Georgia and Ukraine. As for Georgia, we have fulfilled 100 per
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Ukrainian National Platform and Working Group 5 Concerned about the Draft Labour Code of Ukraine
The Ukrainian National Platform and Working Group 5 “Social & Labour Policies and Social Dialogue” of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) are concerned about the adoption procedure and a number of provisions of the Draft Labour Code of Ukraine (the Draft). The Draft is pending in the Parliament of Ukraine (bill №1658) and was
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From Trainee To Trainer – ToT Programme Success Stories
In May-November 2015 the EU-funded Project ‘Civil Society.Dialogue for Progress’ (the Project) implemented the Training of Trainers (ToT) programme for civil society representatives willing to become trainers for CSOs in the Eastern Partnership countries. Overall, 22 participants from six countries received certificates of completion and became the graduates of the ToT programme. To implement the received skills and knowledge in practice, the ToT
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Workshop On Subgranting For The EU Grantees – Kyiv, Ukraine
On 23-24 June 2016, a workshop on subgranting/regranting took place in Kyiv. 26 seminar participants presented 23 out of 28 projects funded by the EU that contained the sub-granting components. The total amount of money that is transferred to third parties through these projects exceeds EUR 4.5 million. The discussion was very lively as the seminar participants shared their experience, challenges, and successes. What is important
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